Category: News

New Family Welcome Session

This morning we held our New Family Welcome session. If you weren’t able to make it and would like to get information on enrollment, class placement, bell times, transportation, schedules, and ways to get involved, please check out a recordingContinue Reading

New Family Welcome Meeting

As we wrap up the current year, we are excited to welcome new families to the Denison Montessori community for the 2021-2022 school year. We invite you to attend a virtual new family welcome meeting on Thursday, May 27th, atContinue Reading

Important CMAS Updates

Dear Denison Families: Denison will begin the administration of the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) assessments on April 13th and April 15th, 2021.  These assessments are aligned to the Colorado Academic Standards, which are statewide expectations of what students should know andContinue Reading

Remote Learning Day with Two Hour Delayed Start

Due to winter weather and poor travel conditions, Denver Public Schools will have a 100% remote-learning live instruction (synchronous learning) day for all students on Thursday, Feb. 25. There will be a two-hour delay so teachers can prepare their instruction.   Also,Continue Reading

Scheduling Reminders

Just a few reminders as we head into the weekend: Tomorrow, February 12th, is an asynchronous learning day. There will be no live in-person or virtual classes. The only students coming to school are students taking the ACCESS test. NoContinue Reading

Asynchronous Learning Day, Friday, February 5 & 12

Friday, February 5th, and Friday, February 12th, will be Asynchronous Learning days for all in-person and 100% virtual students at Denison Montessori. Students will access work for the day through Seesaw or work sent home from school and will NOTContinue Reading

Return to In-Person Learning

On January 11th, Denison Montessori will offer 100% virtual instruction for students enrolled in the virtual option and also be offering in-person instruction for students whose families selected that option for second semester. We have learned that Parent Portal mayContinue Reading

ECE3-6th Grade Students Enrolled in the In-Person Learning Option Return January 11, 2021

Denison Montessori is extremely excited to be welcoming all ECE – 6th grade students enrolled in the in-person learning option back to the building on Monday, January 11th. Additionally, we are looking forward to continuing to provide virtual instruction KindergartenContinue Reading

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