Special Programs

Student in class reading a book

Sparking the Imagination through Creativity

At Denison Montessori, we believe that creative expression is essential to learning. By exploring specials classes such as music, art, PE, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), our young learners develop crucial self-discovery and creative problem-solving skills while nurturing their innate ability to learn and explore.

Educating the Whole Child

Each Montessori classroom provides opportunities for social-emotional learning and positive problem solving. In addition, we allow children opportunities to connect with nature by planting in our gardens, composting, and interacting with classroom pets. By participating in community service and volunteer projects, students learn the joy of serving others, develop compassion and empathy, and help make their communities and the world a better place.

Planting the Seed for Lifelong Education

Denison Montessori a number of intervention and acceleration programs, including Psychology, reading intervention, Multilingual education, Speech/Language, Gifted and Talented, Occupational Therapy, and Special Education services.

For details on some of these services, please visit:

Gifted programming at Denison Montessori uses a blend of Montessori pedagogy and best practices in gifted education. The Gifted and Talented Special Services Provider works with students weekly in small pull-out groups of like-ability peers. Affective needs are addressed during these groups. Instruction varies between grade levels and the needs of the child. Services include using best practices in Gifted Education through direct instruction including depth and complexity for rigor, conversations or topics of discussion chosen by students, social interactions in small groups, or direct support/observations requested by the classroom teacher or parent. Teachers build strong relationships with students as students remain in multi-age classrooms for 3 years. Students are able to receive instruction by skill level, not age. Identified students have a targeted learning goal and an affective needs goal addressed on an ALP (advanced learning plan). The ALP’s are written collaboratively and are progress monitored throughout the year. They are blended with Montessori pedagogy and district GT requirements.

We also offer clubs and activities like Girls on the RunShakespeare Club, an after-school sports club, and more. Our families gather together for events like our Fall Festival, Cinco de Mayo, Fun Run, music concerts, meetings, exhibits, performances, and more.